Previously this class has been for improvers and practitioners who have been doing Tai Chi for some time however this year we will be learning a new style of Tai Chi – Sun style. Therefore there is no requirement to have any working knowledge of the previously taught Yang style. This makes the class suitable for beginners as well as experienced practitioners.
Included in this class is revision of HQ Mawangdui which was learned last year however it is possible for beginners to join now as we will only revise one move at any one time. Health Qigong (HQ) is a wonderful Chinese system of exercise based on traditional Chinese medicine and also modern sport science and research. The set being learned is one of ten forms created by the Chinese Health Qigong Association (CHQA). Angela is an instructor member of the British Health Qigong Association (BHQA) and a senior instructor with Deyin Taijiquan Institute. For each of the HQ routines there are books/DVDs which can be bought to aid with self practice should you wish to do that. These can be bought from Tai Chi Link.
In addition to face to face practice, students also have the opportunity to access my video library on the website which will enhance the benefits of personal practice that can be gained from doing Tai Chi. A small monthly fee applies.
St Michaels Church Hall, Dowhills Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool, L23 8SP